Dissertation and all web site contents copyright 2008 Bradley W. Russell
                   Links to project sites and others of interest:

Official project site for the Economic Foundations of Mayapan Project

Results of the preliminary season of the work of the Economic Foundations of Mayapan
project were reported on the
FAMSI Inc. website

Marilyn A. Masson and Bradley W. Russell conducted research previously at Laguna de
On and Caye Coco Northern Belize under the auspices of the
Belize Postclassic Project

Robert Rosenswig is conducting ongoing research at Late Archaic sites in the same area
which grew out of the initial Belize Postclassic Project research

Dr Clifford Brown (Florida Atlantic University) maintains a site discussing his work at the site
of Mayapan during the late 90's and another with results from his ongoing regional GIS

The Institute for Mesoamerican Studies at SUNY - Albany

Dr. Michael E. Smith (Arizona State University) has a very good site detailing his previous
and ongoing work at Late Postclassic Aztec sites in the Toluca Valley of Central Mexico